23 April 2008

end 0f April : the progress

I'm not in the mood this few days.. Feel so demoralize, tak terasa langsung nak think over my engagement, nak work on it lagi la takde hati.

Yeah..i had bought things for the hantaran decoration, the ribbon, the flowers, boxes, basket.. Thanks you to Aziah for your willingness to give me an accompany, to do the shopping.. Actually dah well planned, apa nak beli smua, tapi i left the list in the car, so just grab whatever yang still fresh kat paler time tu.

the things

Aziah amat berbaik hati..she, without being ask.. offer herself to start with the decoration. Work on the boxes, sambung2 bunga stokin tu. How lucky you are Dayu..got this kind of friend... Aziah siap dah lipat2 tuala, sejadah smua.. I love you girl!!!

decoration in the progress

There are still few thing to buy: fews flower, another basket (yang bertangkai) untuk buah, the bigger ribbon, and small flower untuk the boxes.

Will Ekwan back to his normal by this weekend? Hopefully so.. nak sgt do the shopping with him. His hantaran are ready, her sister already work for it. We also have to look for the cincin risik.

~i miss him so much~


  1. wah..cantik.Hijau..apa pun teruskan k.

  2. kalo rasa xde mood better jgn tgk brg2 hantaran tu. nanti lg sedih.xpe lambat lg majlisnya kan. byk masa lg :-)

  3. whoa!dah nak bertunang..
    whoa!nak jugak ahh tunang..


  4. wah3...

    dah nk siap ke dah totaly siap nie..

    nice green kaler...


  5. canteklaaaa
    mesti dayu glam abes nnt kan

    semoga semuanya berjalan lancar okay
    sgt syok rasanye skang kan kan kan

  6. hijau mmg cantik..apepun, congratulation k..nnti akan tibe time i tunang plak..tak sabar nye..

  7. hi dayu!

    u nak bertunang 1st june eh? mine will be on the week after. tapi siyes sumer bende tak siap ape pon lagi.

    tengok u prepare macam2 ni i jadi risau lah plak.

    but anyway, take care oke! everything will be fine.

  8. Selamat Bertunang......

  9. hope things will be ok between you and ekwan soon...



  10. eh eh..sonotnye..
    bila tarikh keramat tu
    jemputla tun

  11. slmt bertunang yang...wah tema ijo ya...

    buat yg simple2 je...tgk dlm buku hantaran ke....

    ceria n senyum selalu...:D
