22 July 2008

Syukur Alhamdullilah.. Thanks God!!

*i'm on leave today* -walaupun tak apply cuti awal, kira EL la-

Dad and Angah is in KL today. And i have to send them to Putrajaya and this evening i have to be there again. To collect dad's document and fetch Angah -'weh budak, sila isi minyak kete akak ko ni ye'

And last night while driving to Uptown Damansara for our dinner after fetched Angah from Puduraya, Ekwan got a call. From the way he spoke, i knew it was from his office. So, when he hang up, i came out with lots of question..-kata tunang yg prihatin, apa ke hal opis nak call malam2-

'opis ke?' -dayu

'a'ah' -ekwan jawab sambil sengih-sengih

'apesal call awak malam2 ni? ni yang awak tersengih2 ni nape?' -dayu

But he kept smiling. Gila apa tunang aku ni. But then he talked.

'kata nak jadik CE' - ekwan

I just turned to him and giave him a surprise look.

'HR ke call? so awak dapat lah that post?' -dayu yang terlebih excited

Ekwan gelak2 sambil tersengih2. Angah kat belakang tu tengok kan je lah aksi kitaorg tu.

Alhamdullilah!! Ekwan got the promotion. And he really desereved it. Sebelum ni pun skop kerja dia dah macam skop kerja engineer. Walaupun actually post tu memerlukan at least diploma in computer/electrical engineering, Uncit Ekwan saya manage to grab the post with his one years experience at there.

Memang dia keje luar bidang kelulusan dia lah. Belajar Public Administration tapi keje bidang engineering technical support. Pape lah, janji keje kan *berbakat lak dia buat keje2 mcm tu, nak ngadap mesin2 tu smua*

Uncit saya naik pangkat!!

'yang, takde makan2 ke nak celebrate?' Hehhehe.. :)

And now, i'm just home from Kg. Baru Medical Center (KBMC) for medical check-up. I spent an hour there and my medical form is completed. And it cost me RM89.. It's better that spent almost a day at HKL -dan kena buat appoinment lain untuk dental check-up- But yeah..It only cost you RM 1...*not including the parking fees*
*it you for decide which one to choose*


  1. what is CE?
    at 1st ajat ingtkn CEO.

  2. wah!
    bleh la kawen cepat cikit

  3. tahniahh..rezeki bakal pengantin baru

  4. ajat: CE is Customer Engineer... CEO? huhu..kalau dia jadik CEO...i lah yg melompat cecah bumbung dulu.. :)

    cemut: heheheh..insya allah tapi rasanya mcm tak gak, stick to the plan..

    yun: tq..agaknya mmg ni rezeki bakal pengantin kan..allah sentiasa memudahkan jalan nak bina masjid...berkat doa smua..

  5. Tahniah untuk uncit Dayu...

    semoga sukses selalu...

  6. tahniah kat Mr.ekwan...and kak dayu gak...man jadda wa jada...sapa yg berusaha dia yg berjaya :D

  7. rezeki orang nak kawin la nie ;o)
    suruh dia up cikit duit hantaran tu ;p

  8. harus dibelanja makan oleh en. ekwan.. promoted bebbb.. promoted..

  9. hehehe..tahniah ye untuk en ekwan..ingat tak dulu kite wat medical checkup kat HKL..azab gile ek Dayu..cam 'TUT' penat ya rabbi..

  10. murah rezeki...bakal pengantin kan..bila langusngnya dayu ni..?

  11. salam kenal!
    slamat pengantin baru.. mean bakal.. hehe

  12. wah bestnyer.... tahniah... tahniah...

  13. ye..tq semua...

    berkat doa u all smua gak ni. semoga kami akan terus diberkati dengan rezeki yang lebih..

    bila nak berlangsung?

    fixed to the plan lah..taun depan gak..bulan 6 *ke nak cepat kan bulan 3 erk...not sure yet
