What u can't live with? Ur mobile phone? Can be.. it become an essential for all today. I also seem going to be crazy if i left my phone at home, as i reach home the evening, the first thing i looked forward is my phone..there must be lots of missed calls (..so glamor hah?...) But, what is actually u really appreciate in ur life? Family..of course, does it another things more important than this? Your LOVE OF LIFE....? Another YEAH from me... And not forgetting my best buddy..my girlfriends...

Top from left: Hana, Salwa, Zuray, Jong, Ummi
Bottom from left: Wawa (not hear from her for so long...), Min, Faiz, Pijan, Pa'a and ME.

Top from left: Hana, Salwa, Zuray, Jong, Ummi
Bottom from left: Wawa (not hear from her for so long...), Min, Faiz, Pijan, Pa'a and ME.
We know each other in UITM,Shah Alam... Everything started there. Kolej Teratai..there is the place stranger become mate. Not knowing each other... With a warm smile..a conversation is started. We shared our days together... Day and nite, we been together for almost 5 year..and it keep continuing till now. Lots happened, there a year...it seem our FRIENDSHIP is going to be ruined, we start not believing each other...we talked bad bout other... All is caused by that girl, until now i don't know, what is actually she wanted, what she gained from try to destroy our friendship. Fortunately, we realized the stupidness we had done toward our good frens.. we confront each other... Warrrgghhh!!! I would never forgot the nite... lots of tears is dropping down... What had happened, taught us lots, we appreciate other more and i know i will never have such a good frens like u all... Muaahhsss!!!
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