As i mentioned, i'm really looking forward for another gathering, so when Min said she going to visit that preggie pa'a that Saturday, i just love to join her. I came with the idea of 'masak2' at pa'a place-i just love cooking this lately-and had our dinner there. She agreed n did also asked Jong to join. Sal also confirmed to join us after her'kursus kahwin' is cancelled. So there'll be 11 of us, how merrier the nite will be!!
Promised pa'a to be at her place by 6.30pm. So i did asked Ekwan to fetch me at 5.30pm. It only took about 30min to reach Kem Sg. Besi actually but the jammed delayed me until 7.15pm. Bout actually it Ekwan who suddenly decided to get something to eat first-dia tak makan lagi, sian paktek saya- who caused me late. So, had his Nasi Goreng Daging at Kg. Baru. Only after bout 6.40pm we moved to pa'a.

Pa'a dah keep calling tanya bile nak sampai.. Yelah, kan i the chef for that nite dinner. Salwa already there when i arrived. Ekwan can't join me that nite as he also have his family gathering at her sister place. He just drop by for a while.
As Ekwan leaved, i started cooked. Luckily pa'a already prepare the ingredients. The chicken is also prepared, only waited for me-nasib baik jemputan masih belum semua sampai- So, quickly blend everything and 'tumis' it. Senang je masak Ayam Masak Lemak Cili Padi. For the while, Salwa is working on the Sotong Goreng Tepung.
Salwa and her Sotong Goreng tepung-meletup-letup sotong tu-.Kami dok keje menjerit je kat dapur-amat tidak senonoh, anak dara menjerit2 di dapur-
As Ekwan leaved, i started cooked. Luckily pa'a already prepare the ingredients. The chicken is also prepared, only waited for me-nasib baik jemputan masih belum semua sampai- So, quickly blend everything and 'tumis' it. Senang je masak Ayam Masak Lemak Cili Padi. For the while, Salwa is working on the Sotong Goreng Tepung.

Jong and Wea joined us later. Then Min, Helmi and Ahmad arrived. Some hugs and kisses and i get my back to kitchen. Prepared that 'kangkong' pulak. Goreng sudah lah,lambat dah ni. Ahmad willingly to help me-huhu,amat baik- So i just leaved it to him. I need to change lah, dah bau apa je i baju i. By around 8.30 i finally had our dinner-why it seem took too long for the cooking hah?- Everybody is hungry, the boys keep asking when can we had the dinner. So.. Jom Makan!
Jemput makan ye kawan-kawan.. Rasalah masakan ku itu-feel free to comment-
Menu of The Day: Ayam Masak Lemak Cili Padi (a little bit spicy-terlebih cili padi), Sotong Goreng Tepung & Kangkong goreng: Simple but Tasty

Makan-makan sambil berborak-borak amat seronok & Meriah-iye,tak elok makan bercakap tapi kami suka- Luckily, the food is just enough for everybody. Pa'a amat takut lauk tak cukup. Licin pinggan, senang nak basuh pinggan later. We talked just about everything. Mengumpat sikit and gelak-gelak-Harus kena minta maaf kemudian-
After the meal. While washed the dish and plate, Jong and Sal is prepared the desert. That melon Jong brought earlier. Another 'makan' session. For sure, all of us will gain another 2kg that night. Takpe la, bukan selalu kan-banyak lah,failed my diet!!-
Nasib baik rumah Kapt. Muzaimi besar kan.. Boleh la korang nak bersila bagai kat dapur dia ni. -Jong tengah tunggu Sal tunjuk cara potong buah-

After the meal. While washed the dish and plate, Jong and Sal is prepared the desert. That melon Jong brought earlier. Another 'makan' session. For sure, all of us will gain another 2kg that night. Takpe la, bukan selalu kan-banyak lah,failed my diet!!-

While they served the desert, i was in the room with Min, complaining our unwelcomed fat-ngaku je la korang dh gemuk- Then, when we go out, Sal was set the candle for the cake. Huhu.. Another celebration for me ke? I'm so happy!! Terasa begitu di ingati-terharu sungguh-

Dayu dah tua. Eleh..Jeles lah tu sebenarnya..Dapat gak bergambar ramai-ramai malam tu, all in the pic except wea-dia selalu kena amik gambar,Jong suruh-

After the cake, Sal served that ice-cream Apek(her fiance) bought-makan ice-cream lak,gemuk la ko dayu- Then pa'a served another ice-cream. Just can't imagine how much calories i have that night.

Sesi Makan Kek & Ice-Cream-sesi mengemukkan badan sebenarnya-
Selepas tamat sesi makan-makan, minum2 dan gelak2, semua melepak kat depan TV. Tak tengok tv pun tapi borak-borak lagi. Semua sibuk cerite their planning for their wedding. Sebagai kawan, i tumpang gembira dan tak sabar nak celebrate their big day. Around 11.30 they all leaved. Takde sape yang sleep over even pa'a amat menyuruh kami tido kat umah dia. Ekwan will fetch me around 12, so sambung lah borak2 ngan pa'a lagi.
By 12.15 am Ekwan arrived. We went straightway home. I'm so tired and sleepy. So did Ekwan. He accompanied me to my door-mmg selalu dia kena antar i sampai atas,takut lah nak naik sorang2- Have some talked with him, and suddenly we talked something we shouldn't!! Arrgghh!! Hate it!
*my great saturday is ruined at it end-we have little quarrel and we leaved other without any good bye- * Malas nak layan,penat dah badan ni, tak nak penat kan kepala lak, so just washed my face and GOOD NIGHT dayu.
By 12.15 am Ekwan arrived. We went straightway home. I'm so tired and sleepy. So did Ekwan. He accompanied me to my door-mmg selalu dia kena antar i sampai atas,takut lah nak naik sorang2- Have some talked with him, and suddenly we talked something we shouldn't!! Arrgghh!! Hate it!
*my great saturday is ruined at it end-we have little quarrel and we leaved other without any good bye- * Malas nak layan,penat dah badan ni, tak nak penat kan kepala lak, so just washed my face and GOOD NIGHT dayu.
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