So i confirm with Ekwan to sent me to HKL that night. He agreed (from last night he insisted me to go for check-up, takut i kena denggi). He will come to me as he reached home. So about 7.30pm he fetched me. We reached HKL before 8pm(Luckily, HKL is just nearby my place). As it still early, there's not so many people. After registration, i were asked for check-up. The MA (Medical Asst) is so 'kerek'. Baru jadik MA dah nak show-off lebih-lebih. Tak patut sungguh dia marah pakcik cleaner tu depan patients. Malu la orang tua tu. The uncle is just at our dad age,does it so hard to treat oldest nicely? I tengok je gelagat mamat perasan bagus tu. Chiaat!! Sekali dia yang check i. Kena mengadap muka dia yang tak berapa hensem tu. Lepas tu i were asked to go to another room for blood test. Hah? Blood Test? Dia suspect aku denggi ke? Arrgghh..Sudah..
Ramai pulak people in queue in the room. So, Ekwan and i sat waiting outside. Masa tu, panas badan i dah berkurang.

Sakit sungguh kena inject masa amik darah tadi. Patut lah adik tadi tu menangis bagai. MA tu boleh tahan bengong gak. Dah cucuk, darah dah cukup dia boleh pulak biarkan jarum tu lama-lama kat lengan i. Sakit la!! Nak je i cabut sendiri. Kenapa lah orang-orang kat HKL ni tak boleh keje elok-elok kan? Gaji dah naik, elaun dah bertambah.. Produktivi tetap sama, camne?
After that i were asked to go for another check-up at Room 13. Put my medical card in the box, find a chair to sit and just waited for my name being called. I have to wait for my blood test result. Harus lama i ngan Ekwan kena tunggu. Tapi Ekwan kata, "takpe lah.. Biar derang check drah awak tu betul-betul" Risau gak kalau kena Denggi,my body pun ada fews red spot kena gigit nyamuk... Maka sementara menunggu...
Ekwan kata nape warna darah i macam lain je.. Hmm.. Arini that injection area is start to bruise. Nasib baik tak sakit and i'm still enable to move my hand.
Ekwan tanya nape tak senyum.. Orang tengah demam, sakit kena inject dia suruh senyum lak...
After that i were asked to go for another check-up at Room 13. Put my medical card in the box, find a chair to sit and just waited for my name being called. I have to wait for my blood test result. Harus lama i ngan Ekwan kena tunggu. Tapi Ekwan kata, "takpe lah.. Biar derang check drah awak tu betul-betul" Risau gak kalau kena Denggi,my body pun ada fews red spot kena gigit nyamuk... Maka sementara menunggu...

After about 20minutes, my name were called. The doctor said that my blood is ok and i'm not suspecting for denggi. Fuh!! Lega. She asked fews question for any medication allergy and it over. I can go home after get the medicine. Cehh!! Buat membazir je darah i,sakit-sakit kena inject, tapi demam biasa je actually. Tapi takpelah kan, without the blood how can they tell i'm free from denggi kan.
Beratur amik ubat kat farmasi.. and around 9.30pm we leaved HKL. Sejam setengah kat HKL, ok lah tu.. Kira cepat la jugak kan..
Ekwan dah bising kata lapar.. Yelah, balik keje terus dia datang kat i kan,mana sempat nak makan ke apa ke.. Entah mandi ke tidak mamat tu.. Kekekeek...
So where to have dinner tonight?
Beratur amik ubat kat farmasi.. and around 9.30pm we leaved HKL. Sejam setengah kat HKL, ok lah tu.. Kira cepat la jugak kan..
Ekwan dah bising kata lapar.. Yelah, balik keje terus dia datang kat i kan,mana sempat nak makan ke apa ke.. Entah mandi ke tidak mamat tu.. Kekekeek...
So where to have dinner tonight?
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