Thanks you for the lunch treats! I'm really not expecting for all the surprise. Terharunya.. Thanks ye semua.. Seronok betul lunch hari ni, kecoh KFC tu kita buat, korang kan memang macam tu, asal berkumpul sikit... Berborak tak tengok kiri-kanan dah...
Hidayu's Surprise Party Organizer:
The Girl: Zu, Niza, Ita, Zek, Kak Ani & Nadia dan En. Abu ( our Y.B)

The Girl: Zu, Niza, Ita, Zek, Kak Ani & Nadia dan En. Abu ( our Y.B)
Konon2 Zek punya beriya ajak+suruh+minta teman dia gi SOGO, nak beli handbag untuk barang hantaran dia, nak singgah ATM jap nak amik duit. Selalu kalau nak gi SOGO, mesti makan lepas balik, tapi kali ni nak makan dulu, kat KFC lak tu (dia kan on diet).
Sekali sampai kat KFC, semua orang dah duduk kat meja. Lilin kat kek pun dah nyala. Arrgghhh!! That for me ke? So touching, Malu pun ada gak, yelah KFC tu punya la ramai orang time lunch kan..
But indeed, i'm really happy. Being celebrated with friends. A good start for new age. So, ignored those around. They asked me to make a wish, but i really can't. I just blew the candle, and thanks them for all the treat and surprise. Snap pictures and let eat!!
Sekali sampai kat KFC, semua orang dah duduk kat meja. Lilin kat kek pun dah nyala. Arrgghhh!! That for me ke? So touching, Malu pun ada gak, yelah KFC tu punya la ramai orang time lunch kan..
But indeed, i'm really happy. Being celebrated with friends. A good start for new age. So, ignored those around. They asked me to make a wish, but i really can't. I just blew the candle, and thanks them for all the treat and surprise. Snap pictures and let eat!!
sonok nye..rindu kat korang..